Vocal Bomb! The FUNimation Audio Leak: Facts, Fiction, and Fandom
A Dragon Ball outtakes reel filled with profanity has caused controversy among the fandom. It has also lead to calls for those involved to be fired. In this article, insider sources reveal the facts and fiction about this audio. Is it real? When was it made? Hear the truth!
Dragon Ball is the world’s most-recognized anime and manga series. The English edition is produced and dubbed by FUNimation, near Dallas, Texas, who is now owned by Sony Pictures Television.
This company produces hundreds of anime, but Dragon Ball is its biggest property, and American fans are passionate about the voice actors who play the main characters. Many fans grew up listening to these voices every day on TV.
So when a profanity-laced reel of audio that features the voices of their childhood heroes was released on August 30, fans went crazy. A veritable mob of Twitter users attacked the voice actors and FUNimation on social media. They could not believe that their heroes were saying such nasty words.
But the content was only part of the story. These fans also called them hypocrites and all-around terrible people because they conflated this release of audio with Vic Mignogna, the former Dragon Ball voice actor who was fired by FUNimation for alleged sexual assault.
This audio has nothing to do with Vic Mignogna in any way. However, an argument was framed by the person who released the audio that since FUNimation fired Vic for a transgression, they should also fire everyone else who contributed to this audio for a transgression. They ran with the logic that all transgressions are equal, and therefore everyone and everything must burn.
Lots of people agreed. Lots disagreed. And here we are.
It’s been a rough week in the Dragon Ball fandom.
Genuine Research
As shocking as this content may seem to some people, it turns out that content similar to the type found in this audio is commonplace in the industry. It’s something a lot of voice actors create for a laugh. And the reaction on the Internet from a vocal minority of fans about the end of these Dragon Ball voice actors’ careers, the death of FUNimation, and the fall of the anime industry, does not take into account the reality of the voice acting world.
To provide you with a better understanding, I’ve invested a week of effort to research the situation, reach out to the professionals in the industry, interview them, listen to what they have to say, and then write, edit, and publish this article.
I’ve spoken with industry insiders to get background context, the history of these matters, and their opinions.
Their names have been withheld by request. While I’d love to quote what they told me and provide specific anecdotes, if I did, then it would be obvious who I spoke with. I’m not at liberty to do so, and I prefer to maintain those relationships. This is frustrating for everyone in the short term, but what I am able to tell you is still eye-opening. Perhaps I’ll do a tell-all in my memoirs.
I am not an apologist for the content in the audio. I have nothing to do with it and I’m not going to defend it. My goal here is to provide context and understanding. This is what’s been missing from this otherwise one-sided conversation up to now.
And as I’ve said in previous posts regarding these latest events, I’m not taking sides on the issue.
Content of the FUNimation Audio
The content of the FUNimation audio has been shocking to a lot of fans. You can listen to it here.
The content consists of Dragon Ball voice actors playing profane parody’s of their characters. Their dialogue refers to homosexual acts, oral sex, anal sex, implied incest, and indentured servitude of a black man. It includes use of the derogatory word faggot, explicit words like cock and cum, and orgasmic noises.
This is not the normal content of Dragon Ball, which is a show intended for 12-year-old boys. It’s also not what Dragon Ball fans expect to hear outside of the show from these voice actors.
Some fans are angry and they want the voice actors involved to be fired. Others are frustrated and want a public apology. I was even told an anecdote that a young boy cried while listening to this audio because the character he looks up to the most let him down.
Yet at the same time, many fans think it’s funny and that people are overreacting. This includes gay men, who felt the use of the word faggot was humorous, and not offensive.

source: popdust.com
Of course, one man does not speak for the entire LGBTQ community.
The point being: It’s a matter of perspective.
Given the vulgarity of the content and the out-of-character expressions, some fans have questioned the legitimacy of the audio.
For example, they argue that the voices must have been created by sound-alike voice actors in order to make the actual actors look bad. Or perhaps they are ‘deep fakes’ made by algorithm software or a talented audio editor. Lastly, that they are jokes made by the voice actors at Team Four Star, creators of the fan-made parody Dragon Ball Z: Abridged.
I asked Scott Frerichs, the CEO of Team Four Star, if his team’s voices were involved with this audio. Scott replied, “That’s not us in the recordings. It’s absurd to think we were involved. Most of the voices in those leaks aren’t even ones we impersonate for our version. Thank you for getting the information from the source to clear up this matter.”
The voices contained in the FUNimation audio are the actual voice actors who have played these characters for 20 years, starting in 1999. It was recorded at FUNimation headquarters, directed by the director of Dragon Ball, and mixed by its engineers.
In these clips these actors play exaggerated parodies of their own characters that they’ve been playing all this time—albeit it in a way that no one expected to ever hear. So instead of Goku being his lighthearted self, he’s a stereotypical homophobic bigot who shouts at his son for wearing ‘gay-looking’ clothes. And instead of Kami being a wise old man, he’s a closeted homosexual who comes out as sexually curious and then abuses his personal assistant, Mister Popo. Then Yamcha shows up and it spirals downward.
It’s understandable that fans may find this difficult to accept, given that ‘the voices of your childhood’ are saying naughty words. But it’s important to recognize and accept this reality. We cannot perform mental gymnastics in order to deny what our ears are hearing.
History of the FUNimation Audio
So where did this audio come from?
The audio clip being commonly referred to on social media as the ‘FUNimation audio leak’ (#FUNimationLeak) is not actually a leak. It is content created by an audio mixer at FUNimation in the early-2000s.
The audio consists of several clips of different voice actors who played characters on Dragon Ball Z, recorded at FUNimation from 2000 to 2002, during the English dubbing of the Cell arc and Majin Buu arc. Each of these clips was recorded separately, and then the audio mixer spliced them together.
In addition to this history being verified by those I interviewed, there are several clues to its time period that an observant Dragon Ball fan can pick up on.
First, the music throughout the clips is from the Faulconer Productions soundtrack. The Faulconer music was only used on the original television broadcast release of Dragon Ball Z, which ended in 2003.
Second, the character of Mister Satan was not introduced until the Cell arc, in 2001, yet the actor who plays Mister Satan is in this clip. Likewise, the voice playing Krillin refers to his “bitch,” which likely refers to Android #18, and she only becomes Krillin’s wife in the Majin Buu arc, circa 2002.
Third, the actor’s voices and timbre sounds younger than their current voices, making it clear that it is not something produced recently. This is perhaps one reason why some fans thought the audio is fake, but it’s actually just their younger voices.
So what happened here is that each of these actors recorded these lines separately over a span of years, and then it was brought together by an audio mixer.
How did it get released?
I heard three different theories as to how this audio made it out of FUNimation.
The first theory is that the audio mixer who worked at FUNimation left the company in the early-to-mid-2000s, took this audio with him, and then put it on the Internet. Some of those interviewed said that this audio has been on the Internet since 2003, possibly 2007 at the latest, and nobody in the fandom has ever had a problem with it until now.
So this may be the case, but I’ve never heard this audio before, and it’s literally my job to research Dragon Ball history every day. So if it was available, it was obscure.
These same insiders then suggested that, given there was no outrage prior to now, that the current outrage about the audio is manufactured by those who are angry at FUNimation for legal matters involving the voice actor Vic Mignogna, whom FUNimation fired this past February over his sexual assault allegations.
The second theory is that it was put on a DVD, the cast at FUNimation held a party at a Bennigan’s restaurant circa late-2002 (which I surmise was an after-party to celebrate the conclusion of the series), and the DVD was left at the restaurant by accident. It was then found by somebody and put on the Internet with little reaction.
The third theory is that an angry employee at FUNimation who is a supporter of Vic Mignogna recently found this reel and sent it to Nick Rekieta, a lawyer on YouTube who is sympathetic to Vic’s situation. Nick then hyped the audio up and released it last Friday, August 30, 2019.
Nick framed the story as an abhorrent display of hypocrisy on the side of FUNimation, arguing that it showed a double standard against Vic, who was accused of sexual assault by the voice actors who work at FUNimation and then fired without evidence, while there is now evidence that these same actors said offensive dialogue in their recordings, yet have not been fired.
I asked Nick Rekieta and Vic’s lawyer, Ty Beard, for an interview last month regarding their work supporting Vic Mignogna and his case. But they did not respond. I later heard from a friend who watches Nick’s videos that he said in one video that he received my request, but saw “no reason” to speak with me. As a result, I did not reach out again for this article. Although I remain curious how he received the audio, and his motivation to release it in the manner he did.
While the exact date of when the audio was first released remains unclear, the key takeaway is that this audio has existed for at least 17 years. It was then rediscovered or re-sent to Nick, who caused it to spread across social media and become a hate-fueled outrage.
The next question is why does this audio exist?
Vocal Bomb
Vocal bomb is a term used in the voice acting industry. It refers to when a voice actor records a comedic line that is different from what’s in the script, and that will then be heard by the next actor to enter the booth in order to make them laugh, break their concentration, or liven up the recording session. The act of creating a vocal bomb is called ‘leaving a bomb.’
Most of the clips in this recording are vocal bombs. They were lines recorded as alternate lines for actual scenes in the series. So this whole thing is a collection of these scenes, made to make a colleague laugh, or kept on a hard drive because the director or engineer thought each particular take was worth keeping around for the sake of humor.
For example, one insider told me the scene with Mister Satan in this audio clip is a parody version of a real scene in Dragon Ball Z. The real scene occurs when Mister Satan steps outside wearing nothing but a bath towel, only to be hounded by the press who want to ask him a bunch of questions. The voice actor recorded his correct line, and then in order to do a vocal bomb for the next actor in the booth who would play off their line, such as a press reporter, they recorded a profane alternate version. The audio engineer outside the booth would then slide this clip into the recording session software without the next actor being aware of it, and when they heard the alternate version, they’d be hit by the vocal bomb.
How did this dialogue get so profane? Oftentimes that’s the point of it, so it’s profane from the start. Other times, the person who hears the vocal bomb will try to get back at the original voice actor with their own vocal bomb, in a game of one-upmanship. In order to increase the intensity of the bomb, the dialogue becomes increasingly profane.
Lines used in vocal bombs are most often adlibbed, but some of them are scripted beforehand. I get the feeling that most of the lines from this audio reel are scripted, as can be heard when one of them says ‘sorry,’ as if they read the line incorrectly.
The directors and engineers keep these clips for comedic purposes, to share among friends, or even include as bonus features on DVDs. Official publication depends on the level of profanity. In this case, the content was never supposed to be published.
Vocal Bombs in the Industry
Vocal bombs are a common part of the voice acting industry alongside outtakes and bloopers. The difference is that vocal bombs are deliberate, instead of mistakes.
They are performed by voice actors in order to destress after emotional scenes, such as crying, screaming, or fighting. Other times, to warm up for a big scene. Or to recover from failing at their line, and then overreacting in order to snap themselves out of that funk and get back on track.
As I understand it from my interviews with the Dragon Ball voice actors in prior conversations, during the early years of Dragon Ball’s production, the voice actors would sometimes work 12-hour shifts. They’d be tired and stressed out from the constant screaming and fighting, so they’d come up with funny ways to liven up the day. As several insiders told me, ‘the tape is always rolling.’ So they get creative. In fact, they still do outtakes today while dubbing anime, although it’s not as common. In part because they have better working conditions and a maximum 4-hour shift, with tight production schedules.
The use of vocal bombs is not relegated to FUNimation or Dragon Ball. Search YouTube for voice actor outtakes and you’ll find hours of crude and offensive humor from your favorite actors in different anime and Western cartoons and video games.
In fact, one of the most common questions that voice actors receive at conventions during their panels is, ‘What’s the craziest story, or blooper, or outtake you can think of that occurred during the recording?’
The actor will then tell stories about recording clips like the one in this FUNimation audio. The audience gets a big laugh out of it because it’s shocking and outrageous. That’s why it’s funny. No one expects the voices of these cute, or strong, or silly, or somber anime characters to say such things. The joke is supposed to push the envelope.
Truth be told, some of the scenes in this Dragon Ball audio clip have been mentioned verbatim at dozens of conventions over the last 17 years by the very actors in question, and nobody in the audience has been outraged. It wasn’t until this audio clip came out on social media last week that so many people freaked out.
Vocal bombs are so common that now, due to this recent release and the outrage on the Internet against the voice actors involved, I’ve been told that voice actors throughout the industry are concerned their own vocal bombs will leak and their careers may be jeopardized. Prior to this outrage, nobody in the industry or the fandom has ever had a problem with such content in any anime. The actors did it and laughed. Then they’d talk about what they did at conventions and the audience would laugh. And if it were ever published online, people in the comments would laugh.
Examples of Vocal Bombs in Anime
To show you that Dragon Ball is not the odd man out, here are other examples of vocal bombs and profane outtakes in anime.
A reel from Noein: To Your Other Self (2007):
Here the actors refer to sodomy, masturbation, alcoholism, lesbianism, the line, “I’m not gay. I don’t suck cock,” lots of swear words, and general juvenile behavior. Yet if you read through the comments, you’ll see the anime fans view it as funny. They perceive it as the voice actors having a good time at work.
Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid (2017):
Lots of profanity, requests for lesbian sex, and references to male genitalia.
Berserk (1997):
References to sex, violence, the term ‘making fuck,’ and of course, playful musical interludes while naked.
And for all those Vic Mignogna fans who think that he is above such pettiness, here’s a reel from Vic’s most famous series, Fullmetal Alchemist (2003):
It contains swear words, references to homosexuality, threesomes, violence, and it even has Vic Mignogna adlib a sexist line when questioned by a woman if he’s lost. He says, “No, I’m a man. I’m good with directions.”
Does this mean Vic is a male chauvinist? Does he personally think women are bad with directions? Should feminists stop watching Fullmetal Alchemist because Vic said this line?
Of course not, because it’s crazy to argue that a comedic adlib by an actor in a booth reflects an actor’s real-life moral outlook.
Of Monsters and Men
There’s an eagerness on social media to demonize everyone involved in this Dragon Ball audio, as if they are evil people because of the words they said. But reality is nuanced and people are multifaceted.
To illustrate my point I’ll show you an example of a voice actor I know to be a good man and who is well-respected in the industry, yet who said something profane in an anime outtake.
It’s a line from the famous voice actor Crispin Freeman. Here’s Crispin at a convention receiving the above-mentioned question about outtakes from an audience member, and then answering it by referring to his favorite line.
Crispin says, “And it’s funny. Usually they disappear and we never see them again. … But there was one show where they actually kept them, and that would be Noein. Which blew our minds. We had no idea they were going to release those. And if you notice, there’s not too many of mine because mine are so X-rated that they can’t put them on the DVD. Except one… .”
Here’s the scene Crispin refers to, from Noein: To Your Other Self:
Crispin’s character is talking to two kids, and the joke line is, “I believe she went to the Waffle House… I’m gonna’ have my way with the both of you and then I’m gonna’ do the dog.”
The audience at the convention goes wild with laughter when he says this line. They love Crispin. They love his work. And they love hearing about this profane outtake.
However, on the surface, the character Crispin plays is talking about raping children and then raping a dog. So, pedophilia and bestiality.
But it would be ludicrous to argue that Crispin should lose his job, the studio he recorded this at should lose its license to Noein, and the whole company he works for (in this case Manga Entertainment) should go bankrupt. And it’s just as ludicrous to argue this should happen to the Dragon Ball voice actors and FUNimation.
Context and intent are what’s at question here.
Crispin Freeman is an actor playing a parody of a character in an anime. It’s safe to assume that Crispin does not believe the ideas and actions behind the words spoken by this character are a good thing to do in real-life. He’s not attacking people who have been victims of these crimes. He’s not attacking you, the listener. He’s saying a weird line in a cartoon where he plays a weird character for the sake of a laugh among his colleagues.
And remember, Crispin said that this is the content that was deemed acceptable enough to be on the DVD, while his other jokes were too “X-rated.” Crispin has also mentioned at other conventions that he tries to out-do his colleague Steve Blum, the world-famous voice of Spike in Cowboy Bebop, for the most outrageous vocal bomb. So the lines these guys come up with to out-do one another must be out of this world.
Just imagine what else is sitting on a hard drive somewhere. If this audio were to be released like this Dragon Ball audio was, would anime fans be upset by it? Or would they recognize it as a joke?
I called Crispin to confirm this story and comment on the issues at hand, but I did not receive a response. No doubt because he doesn’t want to be associated with the backlash of this story in the press among a vocal minority of angry fans on social media.
I highlighted Crispin here because I know he’s a good man. I attended one of his voice acting classes in Los Angeles, and I was a guest at one of his enlightening Mythology and Meaning presentations. He is talented, kind, empathetic, and intelligent. He is a principled man who joined the SAG-AFTRA strike in Hollywood in 2016 as a showing of unity for overworked video game voice actors to help improve their lives and compensation.
And yet at the same time, Crispin can be funny and outlandish in his work. Crispin’s outtake proves that your jokes don’t reflect your real-life personality, or your principles, or your beliefs on human rights and equality, no matter how crazy the jokes may be. He and every other actor who does vocal bombs for a laugh are human beings, plain and simple. They’re not monsters just because someone may feel offended by the jokes they said.
I know many of the Dragon Ball voice actors are supporters of gay rights and LGBTQ-friendly causes. They march in gay right’s parades. They donate to humanitarian causes. They go to hospitals to visit sick children while they talk in their character’s voices in order to inspire the kids to persevere—as Dragon Ball teaches us to do. And I’ve personally witnessed two of them take extra time out of their scheduled events at conventions to spend it with physically and mentally challenged anime fans.
They don’t mention this stuff because they shouldn’t have to. It bothers me that people want to demonize actors when they don’t even know them. They think they know them because they hear their voice so often, or they follow them on social media. But they forget that they are human beings who are capable of doing great deeds while at the same time saying things that you might find offensive.
Retroactive Judgment
From an artistic perspective, voice actors consider these lines to be performances just like any other, and they don’t feel the need to apologize for their performances. The idea that someone on the Internet might be offended 20 years later never crosses their mind. The booth is a safe space where anything goes. But now some random person condemns them for having fun at their job?
Judging voice actor’s outtakes years after their performances concluded isn’t a new phenomenon. Here’s an outtakes reel from the American cartoon Thundercats (1985).
This reel includes numerous curse words, including fuck, motherfucker, bitch, references to a woman’s tits, and of course samophlange, which is a word these outtakes made famous.
Larry Lenny, the voice actor for the main character of Thundercats, named Lion-o, explained his perspective on these outtakes in a 2012 interview with James Rolfe and Mike Matei at Cinemassacre.
Mike asks him about these famous outtakes. Larry says, “Anytime you’re recording, have a group of actors in a studio recording, you’re going to have outtakes. Things that are said between takes, or when somebody screws up. We’re all adults and you’re going to hear that.”
He continues, “The thing is, back when we were doing the show in the mid-‘80s there was no Internet. And so, the only people who would hear those outtakes back then were us. And we’d joke about the recording engineers. Somebody would say, ‘What the ‘F’ is a ‘samophlange,’ and one of us would say, ‘That’ll be on the engineer’s Christmas party reel.’ Meaning, that I’m sure every recording engineer who recorded shows like that, would have a party and [play it in private], ‘You guys want to hear some outtakes from Thundercats?’”
He adds, “And then all of a sudden, several years ago, I look on the Internet, and here’s me saying all kinds of horrible things.”
This goes to show that the working environment among professional adults in the voice acting industry has always been relaxed, fun, and non-judgmental. You can say these types of swear words and crude or offensive jokes without being scrutinized because everybody is doing crazy stuff to begin with. Talking cat men, supernormal warriors from outer space, and pretty little ponies are already eccentric characters to pretend to be. So then to do a parody of such a character requires an even bigger stretch.
It also goes to show how it feels to be a voice actor who records these lines and then years later has people on the Internet judging these lines retroactively. It doesn’t feel good. It’s the same situation here with the Dragon Ball actors where people are taking the content from 17 years ago out of context, judging it and the actors who said it without ever getting their side of the story, and then condemning everyone involved.
Some of the industry insiders I spoke with feel bad that people are judging these lines now. Others still think these lines are funny, and don’t see the need to apologize for them. While others recognize they haven’t aged well, and agree they wouldn’t say this stuff today, but are staying silent until the situation cools off.
Voice Actors and Heroes
“You were the voice of my childhood.” This is a common statement that voice actors hear when they meet their fans at conventions. And it’s the last point I want to discuss in this article.
Children grow up hearing these voices. Every day for years, these voices are being imprinted on children’s growing brains. So they associate the voices with these characters and the ideals they represent, from Goku’s innocence and purity to Vegeta’s pride. In their minds, the voice and the symbols of what these characters represent are one and the same.
To then hear these voices say offensive words, profanity, and engage in homosexual activity, whether intended to be humorous or otherwise, is a shock. A minority of people may literally be incapable of recognizing that it’s intended to be humorous for various reasons. So they hear the voice and think it’s Goku, their hero, saying offensive and sexual things, and they don’t realize it’s actually a human actor talking through the guise of a parody.
This situation forces us to confront the reality that these voices come from human beings. We put them up on pedestals because of what the character’s they play mean to us.
This can be a difficult distinction for some people to make. Goku helped save my life when I was younger and suicidal, so Goku means a lot to me. When I first met the English voice of Goku and the other voice actors, I was excited and nervous. I didn’t really know how to speak to them. But the more time I spent with them, the more I realized they were just people like anyone else. That’s especially true when you share a meal with them, and you engage in that bonding experience. It humanizes them.
These are adults working on a children’s cartoon. It’s true that we think of them differently than comedians or actors in other series that are expected to be more mature. But it’s time to look at them as adults, not as the characters they play. They are adults who felt like being immature for a few minutes in order to make themselves laugh.
The English voice of Goku is not Goku. He plays Goku. The actor is not “The hope of the universe! The answer to all living things that cry out for peace.” Same for Vegeta’s actor, and everyone else. They are not the embodiment of what their character represents, and they don’t have to live up to those character’s moral standards.
This audio release is also not the first time we’ve heard these actors swear.
In this interview on That Hashtag Show, Chris Sabat, the voice of Vegeta, explains the now-famous kazoo prank that he played on Sean Schemmel, the voice of Goku, during their trips to conventions.
The highlights of the prank being that Chris had several people insert a kazoo, ‘weird condoms,’ and plastic gold coins in Sean’s clothing, suitcase, and in his hotel room, over several trips. Sean had no idea what was going on.
In this video you can hear the voice of Goku talk about condoms and say the word fuck.
Why is that okay?
Because Sean Schemmel is an adult.
He can say whatever he wants.
Wisdom Bomb
There’s a lot more I want to say about how this is an American cultural issue, and how Dragon Ball fans in Spain, Brazil, Italy, and Japan don’t really care about it. How it’s a reflection of outrage culture, cancel culture, social justice warriors, political correctness, YouTube talking heads who spread division among the fandom, and how what we’re seeing here is a manifestation of much larger socio-political issues.
To reiterate, I don’t condone the content in this clip, and it’s fine if you’re still upset after reading this. The purpose is to provide context and understanding.
These outtakes make the characters of Dragon Ball look bad. But then again, that’s the point of parody. Team Four Star excels at parody, and their jokes are offensive, crude, and funny as hell. That’s why their videos receive tens of millions of views. People enjoy how they portray the Dragon Ball characters. Nobody then thinks that the actual characters in the series created by Akira Toriyama act this way, right?
So can we stop applying our personal politics to these characters when the official voice actors parody themselves? Goku does not call his son a faggot. Kami is not secretly gay. Yamcha doesn’t like it up the butt. None of this stuff is real. It’s a parody intended to make another voice actor laugh. That’s all it is.
I’ve seen concern that because of these clips, Goku will no longer be a 2020 Olympics mascot in Tokyo. Rest assured, Toei Animation and Shueisha are not taking this away from Japan or the world just because a vocal minority of fans in America are upset by what an American voice actor who plays Goku in English said while cracking an inappropriate joke in the recording booth 17 years ago.
These voice actors are not going to be fired. They’re not going to apologize (unless forced to). FUNimation is not going to lose the license to Dragon Ball. FUNimation is not going to go bankrupt because of some angry people on Twitter. They’re a giant company owned by Sony that is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and has hundreds of other properties.
To take back our community from the brink it is on, we first have to take a personal step back, breathe, and realize that we’re talking about voice actors and a company that produces cartoons.
Please stop pouring gasoline on this fire. Our fandom is already fractured enough.
Please stop listening to people who divide the fandom with polarizing content that makes you hate others.
Please stop giving attention to those who spread hate. Your attention is validation of their ideas, and in real-terms, your views and subscriptions are equal to giving them money and power.
Instead, seek to understand other people. Have real conversations outside of social media and the Internet. Find common ground, and learn from them. Start with the fact that you both like Dragon Ball. Ask them why they like it. Maybe it’s the same reason you like it.
Let information rise to the surface, and be slow to condemn. Nobody outside of those involved in these issues has any genuine knowledge—especially legal knowledge—outside of hearsay.
Find unity, friendship, and joy in this series, as it shows us how to do.
Remember, Dragon Ball is a series that shows you what can happen when you work together as a team to overcome insurmountable odds. Don’t let your decisions be made by people who promote division.
So here’s an idea: Watch more Dragon Ball!
Akira Toriyama created Dragon Ball to be a lighthearted adventure that is filled with fun ideas. He wants us to enjoy the journey of our lives.
So let’s jump high and fly through the sky… together!!
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